Tess Williams, RVT
I am the head surgery tech here at Hillview and get to practice many advanced pain management techniques during procedures. Also, I am working toward a specialty in pain management and physical rehabilitation, and have special training in nutrition. My passions are pain management, canine rehab and physical therapy, and nutrition/weight loss counseling.
I recently bought my first home with the love of my life. We have 2 tabby cats, Barnie Ruble Trouble and Jimi Hendrix. We also have a mutt named Princess Leia. All my critters are wonderful and keep me on my toes.

Emily Wilhelm, RVT
I thoroughly enjoy working with the wide variety of animals that Hillview cares for and am working toward my board certification in reptile, avian, and exotic animal medicine. I have been here since 2008. Why do I love my job? Well, at what other job could I say, “Today I helped clean a bat’s teeth, put steel pins in a broken wing of an eagle, bottle-fed an opossum and placed a feeding tube in a snapping turtle?" For someone who has a passion for animals and enjoys working with people who have the same passion, there couldn’t be a better job out there! I deeply care about educating pet owners on their exotic pets so that every home is a happy, healthy one.
I am owned by Solstice, a delightful golden retriever; Scara, a three-legged cat; four rabbits; a snake; a leopard gecko; a parakeet; and a hedgehog. I also do exotic animal rescue and have an ever-changing array of fosters. Away from work, I love being outside hiking, running, and trying to do yoga with my pets "helping."

Karen McDonough, RVT
I have worked at Hillview since 2010 and during that time I have found my niche in “Dental Land.” I am responsible for all the dental procedures that are performed here. I also have a passion for clicker training and have helped many times with puppy classes.
When not at work, I spend time cooking delicious meals, hiking, crocheting, and curling up with a good book. I live in Batesville and travel to work every day so I also enjoy listening to audio books during my long drive.

Shelby Smoot, RVT
I started here at Hillview in the fall of 2013 as a kennel tech. I became an RVT in the spring of 2014. I love working in a mixed animal practice, and my primary interest is in small animal surgery. Getting to see different types of animals every day keeps life interesting! I hope to become more involved with the rescue community in the future.
I love doing "outdoorsy" things and taking my pups hiking. My fur babies include Franny the Newfoundland; Waylon the mixy mutt; Skunky, Alley, Thelma, and Louise the kitties; Juan Fiesta the Red-Eared Slider; and three goats named Miss Kay, Caroline, and Syd.

Morgan Davis, Veterinary Assistant
I love working at Hillview because I love being able to see all the different things that go on in a vet's office, and the people are caring. I am a graduate of Franklin Community High School. I have three cats, Miley, Macey, and Kylee, a German Shepherd named Skylar, and three guinea pigs named Louie, Howie, and Ollie. In my free time, I enjoy hunting and making string art.